Brass Effing Monkeys in Weston-super-Mare today. But cocooned in my Team 80 Fleece, it was worth it for the points. I suspected that there would be a frost or very…
The Mardave Minis at Bristol looked so much fun, that I decided to get myself one and have a go. For a car that’s so brutally simple, it’s incredible how…
My original plans for this weekend got knocked into a cocked hat when Marlies’ Clutch went on Saturday Morning. But seeing as I had an entry for Swindon, and she…
This week, I’d picked with new front steering arm pivots that allow you to change the Front Axle Heights, after I’d been finding the steering a bit wishy-washy on Mendip’s…
Made a bit of a pigs ear of the final by being too tentative in the first few laps when the car was going better when I pushed it. But overall, I was happy anyway.
Getting some decals ready for the next couple of bodies 🙂 Clear Waterslide Decals printed in reverse, to be applied to the inside of the body and backed with paint.