Brilliant day at Cardiff. First run out for the B6.4 was pretty much what you would want. First practice was on kit settings with only the roll bar and gear diff added. All over the place, everything was wrong. But that was to be expected.
Heat 1, The car was understeering, throttle like a switch, slipper way too tight and too new, doing Peter Dumbrecks all over. Heat 2 tamed the ESC and slipper a bit, but not enough, lowered front a bit and added harder rear springs. Heat 3, throttle set to blinky and removed all the drag brake and let the slipper off some more, Rear toe in down from 3 to 1, Front toe Down from -1 to -0.5. Starting to settle the car and getting quicker. Heat 4, stiffened the back right up on the top damper mount right out.
For the Final, I put a negative throttle curve into the Transmitter. After a wheelie start, backed out of the throttle and braked hard into first corner and thought I was going to miss the first lap carnage, and it nearly worked. But once I got the first lap done, the car settled and really started to feedback. Wide entries, dab of brake before turn in, careful on the throttle and the car started to really get going. And lap by lap, the mistakes fell away, the cars preference for progressive throttle and hard braking became clearer. Some how, I went from 5th to Second and felt like I was getting my head into the car.
Utterly chuffed, mostly by the way the car responded exactly as expected to any changes I made.
And best of all, the Taffs were their usual welcoming, brilliant selves, and ran a tight ship of a meeting as always.