Having a spare weekend, a hankering to try out the layback transmission on the B6.4, and the ever present itch to race, Swindon fitted in nicely before my first attack on Cardiff’s SWORD championship next week.
This week, I have video for you. I got a Go-Pro cap off Ali-Express, Action Camera Baseball Cap Mount Adjustable Head Strap Hat Mount For Gopro Hero 10/9/8/7/6/5 Dji Osmo Action Insta360 One R – Sports & Action Video Cameras Accessories – AliExpress. Bolted my Go Pro on it and had a go at filming from the rostrum.
Thankfully, despite the weather forecast to the contrary, the track got soggy overnight. Practice was good after dialling in 4 degrees of rear toe, a highish roll center and setting the battery right back. No chassis brace because I wanted some flex. The only thing that didn’t work was the B4.6 does not seem to like front toe out like the LD2, and gets all vague and inconsistent. So back to 1 Degree of toe in for Round 1.
Round 2 was a bit chaotic, I was running quite well, but sadly the venue’s Laptop Barfed. It was re run, but amid all the hasty re-run, I missed filming one of the rounds…
The re run went pretty well and Round 3 that followed in quick succession, gaining a couple of places and getting in 12 laps when 13 was A Final place. All on Ballistic Green Mini Spikes, which as I later found out, was the correct choice until it starts to dry.
Round 4 I started Experimenting with Longer Camber links, Silver Mezzos on the back and so on, And it was folly really. But I learned, and learning is always good. Not to mention, excellent company in the pit and on the rostrum made a fabbo day out. And it’s a real mark of progress with the Associated and with my driving that I’m now sort of expecting to get into the B Final not just pleased not to be in the D.