New Job! Mendip RC Raceway Internet Officer!

New Job! Mendip RC Raceway Internet Officer!

So Mendip had their AGM last night, and have asked me to look at what can be done to improve the club uses the internet to promote and organise itself. As it’s kinda my wheelhouse, and it’s something I’ve moaned about in the past, I was very happy to accept.

At the moment, the Club is mostly focussed on it’s website and it’s Facebook Group. This is all fine, and a good base to work from. The first thing I want to understand is which bits are working fine so I know to not screw around with them.

However there is some obvious low hanging fruit. First, there’s platforms with a much younger demographic audience like Tic Toc, Twitch and Instagram which the club just doesn’t have any presence on. These are quite tricky for the club to make content for, particularly because they are mostly geared towards Video and Photographic content. But my plan is simple, just make a start. Get on them, post something up.. anything and see what works.

On the SEO front, We basically need to start blatting out content, so that we start building a really nice store of activity and links for the google and social media spiders to feast on. On this front, I want to get a mentality going that if so much as a mouse farts in the direction of the track on Accomodation Road, a club member has blogged it, tweeted it and Tic Tocced it with links for more information on how much fun the mouse fart was.

I’d also like the Web Page to be a catalogue of useful, bang up to date and involving information that really pushes the Club Championships, Events and benefits of Membership. One of my little bugbears is that websites can very quickly become stale and derelict (even harmful), if out of date information is left on there.

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