It is a very great pleasure to have to eat some of my words. I posted a few months ago about a few annoyances in the RC world. Rather excitingly, and probably utterly coincidentally, two of the biggest marques in the sport have done something about them!
The manual for the new Team Associated B7 has done almost exactly what I was hoping for. Nice big red warning triangles pointing out mistakes that you’d be better off avoiding, and how to avoid them. Nice one.
In the Same post, I gave Schumacher a rather robust finger wagging/telling off/ear full of shit about their tyres. Their 2wd fronts in particular. I stand by what I said about the Cut Stagger and Stagger Rib, which are still on sale unchanged.
However, earlier this year they released their Fusion Slim Tyre. I tried them at Cardiff, and they were excellent. I’ve also had a go with the yellows at Mendip and Tivvy, and they are the absolute dogs bollocks. Very precise without being too grabby. And Hallelujah, I’ve got through 2 meetings on one set and they still look like new! I’m chuffed to bits with them. I’d go as far as to say that they’re better than the Pro Line Pyramid.
And today there’s even better news. They’ve only gone and made another tyre called “Splinter”. It’s much lower profile , with a stronger sidewall. Hopefully no more effing about with zip ties or tyre gluing jigs to stop the tread sodding off in a different direction to the rim and bead. It bears a fair resemblance to the JConcepts Fuzz Bite, but who gives a tinkers flip if it performs well, costs less and most importantly, you can actually get hold of the damn things. I’ll be running the Fusion Slims at next week’s Regional, but I’ll be giving these Slinters a go ASAP afterwards. Well done Schumacher, consider yourselves out of the doghouse and back in my goodbooks.